Elite IT

We are business geeks and software craftsmen with a
strong passion for business processes and Business Central


We can help you on the path to digitization!

Digitization is about streamlining business processes, and at Elite IT, we’ve been working on it for many years. We specialize in supporting business processes with IT as a tool and leverage our extensive experience in business processes, process support, software development, and integration.

As an example, we can mention document management through our tool – Collaborator. With Collaborator, we take emails and files from individual employees and elevate them to the organizational level. By gathering all knowledge in one place and connecting it in the right context, the company becomes smarter. Information in documents and emails becomes accessible to everyone in the right context, for example, within a project.

Another example could be reporting. Here, we work with the BI tool PowerBI from Microsoft. The tool can support the right reporting in the organization, and data can be collected from several different sources.

As a third example, we can look at the implementation of software robots. We leverage the Microsoft Power Platform to automate repetitive tasks in the organization. An example could be monitoring the status of a project; when there’s a change in status, an email is sent, and an activity is created in a related system.